ACRL Advocacy highlights

Successfully defending the first and only case in the United States where the city and county charged high school football players with criminal acts simply for playing football.

Continuing office hours with the Michigan Department of Civil Rights and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for filing and investigating discrimination complaints.

Setting up a national hotline to receive complaints of unwarranted bank closures and placement on “No Fly” lists.

Working closely with law enforcement at the local, state, and federal levels to establish community trust and address breaches of that trust.

Conducting ‘Ask the Lawyer’ sessions where highly qualified attorneys provide free legal consultations to the general public.

Seeking emergency stays for individuals facing deportation and advocating for the rights of those facing unwarranted charges and discrimination.

Participating in collaborative meetings with US Senators’ offices and the community to support legislation calling for transparency in federal agency law enforcement, screening, and other immigrant rights issues.

Filing complaints with the Justice Department about mass bank closures of Arab Americans and filing class action lawsuits against discriminatory banking institutions.

Holding press conferences and filing complaints against companies like Walmart and Western Union for discrimination against Arab and Muslim customers.

Standing alongside civil and public leaders to protect voting rights and address issues of bigotry and racism in the community.

Advocating for mental health awareness and providing support to community members in need.


Arab legal aid organization Legal assistance for Arab communities Arab-American legal Pro bono legal services for Arabs Arab immigrant legal support Arab diaspora legal aid Human rights advocacy for Arabs Legal aid for refugees and migrants Arab civil rights organization Legal empowerment for Arab populations

Recognizing the urgent need to support Palestinian Americans rescuing their extended family members, we launched The Gaza Family Project. This initiative connects families with pro bono attorneys and advocates for immigration pathways to extract qualified relatives from Gaza.

In the news

ACRL Founder Nabih Ayad Applauds Judicial Victory Against Travel Restrictions

Nabih Ayad, founder of the Arab-American Civil Rights League (ACRL) in Dearborn, celebrated the recent ruling by the 9th Circuit Court, striking down President Donald Trump’s executive order restricting refugees and immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries.

“It’s a sigh of relief,” expressed Ayad. “The 9th Circuit Court has shown our system does work, that we’re the greatest nation in the world. … The judiciary does work, and works in the most challenging times.”

ACRL Sues Over Trump's Immigration Order: Protecting Green Card Holders

The Arab-American Civil Rights League (ACRL), has taken legal action on behalf of U.S. green-card holders in response to President Donald Trump’s executive order temporarily banning refugees and immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries. Filed in Detroit’s U.S. District Court, the lawsuit challenges the constitutionality of the executive action, asserting that it unfairly targets immigrant communities.

ACRL Takes Action Against Discrimination at Walmart

The Arab American Civil Rights League (ACRL) has filed a formal complaint against Walmart for allegations of discrimination and harassment. According to reports, a woman employed at the Dearborn Walmart alleges that a manager subjected her to derogatory remarks and harassment due to her Arab ethnicity.

The complaint, lodged by ACRL on behalf of the woman, highlights the unacceptable behavior reportedly experienced in the workplace. Such incidents undermine the principles of equality and respect, and ACRL is committed to addressing them through legal avenues to ensure justice and fair treatment for all individuals, regardless of their background.

Dearborn community leaders push back on Wall Street Journal piece calling it the 'Jihad Capital' (

No Fly List

ACRL offers a toll-free hotline for individuals who believe they have been unfairly targeted or searched during travel or have been affected by the executive order on immigration. Our hotline is dedicated to receiving complaints about government No-Fly and Watch Lists, as well as any adverse actions at airports.


If you or someone you know has experienced being prevented from flying commercial flights, subjected to secondary screening each time you travel, or has general travel complaints, ACRL is here to help.


Call our toll-free hotline at 1-844-CANT-FLY (1-844-226-8359) to report your complaint. Our team will assist you and provide a plan of action to address your concerns and potentially remove you from the governmental secret list that has affected many in the Arab community. Let us advocate for your rights and work towards a resolution.

CALL 1-844-CAN'T-FLY (844-226-8359)


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The Annual Fight for Justice Gala has achieved remarkable success. Your support is immeasurable.


ACRL Successfully defending the first and only case in the United States where the city and county charged high school football players with criminal acts simply for playing football.

“Thanks to the Arab American Civil Rights League, my son’s school experience has been completely transformed. When my 12-year-old son faced bullying and unjust accusations at school, the ACRL stepped in to offer invaluable support. Executive Director Mariam’s unwavering presence during MTSS meetings and school discussions ensured clear communication and necessary corrections to my son’s records. The ACRL’s advocacy has truly made a difference in my son’s life, and he is now thriving in a much more positive environment. I am forever grateful for their dedication and support.” Muhammad Aslam. 

“I didn’t think I was going to live. I saw my life flash before my eyes. I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for the constant advocacy of Executive Director Mariam Charara as she was the pillar to not losing my faith and not giving up. She was on the call with me at any time I would call her throughout the night and day. Her help with Congresswoman Rashida and the ACRL helped rescue me and my wife from the life threatening situation in Gaza. Mariam’s support and tireless dedication gave us hope when all seemed lost. We are eternally grateful to ACRL for guiding us to safety and ensuring our family’s well-being.” Zakaria Alarayshi


“During the darkest days when my mother was trapped in Gaza, I felt utterly powerless. I didn’t know where to turn or how to make a difference. That was until I discovered the Arab American Civil Rights League (ACRL). With their guidance, I was enlightened about the power of advocacy and the strength of community action. Together, we fought to rescue my mom and rallied support from elected officials. ACRL became our beacon of hope, empowering families like mine to navigate through the chaos of conflict. Thanks to ACRL, my family, along with countless others, found a path to safety amidst the turmoil of Gaza.” Fadi Sckak, son of Zahraa Sckak.

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